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Emotional Health: I need a Mental Break

As healthcare professionals, we don't think about our emotional health or mental health. A patient's death... expected or unexpected has the same effect. Death of a family member. We still feel obligated to our patients. Yes, I have just received bad news, but I have to go to work. That's exactly how I felt after the loss of my brother. I have to go to work, so I made a deal with my boss at the time. I agreed to work the day after losing my brother. In fact, I worked the whole weekend. I assumed this was normal. The obligation to our patients above all else, even ourselves. It wasn't until I share this story with others that I was able to address the lack of concern for my own mental health.

The Proof in the Pudding:

I was so emotional that I cried uncontrollably when I experienced my first patient death. Yes, it was my first patient's death and that's emotional. However, I had added emotions due to my recent loss. You see we are always putting others' needs before our own. Remember the logic in me going to work was that my patients needed me or the classic my coworkers need me I know how it is to be short-staffed. The truth is that they were surprised to see me and were expecting me to call in. I was lucky to have a group of people supporting me along the way. However, we are all not that fortunate. Either way, we are obligated to taking care of our emotional health and mental health.

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health:

As healthcare professionals, we must START to take care of our emotional health. So, we have to discuss what does it look like to be emotionally healthy? How do we start and maintain emotional health? Here are some tips.

1. Acknowledge what you are feeling and why. We have to take the time to process our emotions.

2. Express your emotions in a healthy manner.

Expressing yourself is a biggy. We are taught to suppress emotions. Don't let your enemies see you sweat. Don't let your boss know you are stressed. What happens when you do not express yourself. 9 times out of 10 you end up exploding later on.

3. Think before you act. Ask yourself what is the appropriate way to respond.

4. Manage Stress. Think about how you work under pressure. How do you manage... Work Stress? Personal Stress?

5. Achieve Balance. Too much work is not good. Take some time for yourself, friends, and family.

Taking Care of your Mental Health:

There comes anxiety along with the Coronavirus. Uncertainty! We don't know what is going to happen, so now we are stressed. What to do? What to do? Someone, please take the edge off!. Well, now we need to take care of our mental health. Uncertainty can bring multiple psychological problems. So let's talk about some tips to address our mental health.

1. Focus on what is in your control. What can you do to change the outcome of what can be controlled?

2. What makes you feel safe? Most of us will say staying at home while this virus is out. Other than that, what makes you feel safe?

3. Get sunlight. Let the sun brighten up your day. (Remember God is the light as well)

4. Stay Connected. If you need help, it is okay to reach out for it. The biggest problem we have is not asking for help. Please, understanding that asking for help is not a weakness. If fact, if you have identified you need help and take the time to ask for it, you are one of the strongest individuals I know.

I encourage you to find balance, peace, and happiness in life. Do not neglect yourself, you owe it to yourself to be emotionally and mentally healthy. 

WOOOOOOO! Writing this was therapy. I hope it helped someone. Please remember to subscribe, like, share, and explore my website.

See you next time :).

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