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Healthcare World Chaos: Persevere Through it!

You ever felt completely lost in the world of nursing? Are you having doubts about where to go from here? Maybe even thought about quitting or throwing in the towel? For the last couple of months, my answer to all these questions has been yes !! The changes, uncertainty, and division have caused me to have too many questions and doubts.

Living with Anxiety

We all are experiencing anxiety at its best right now. The pandemic has us at the end of our seats. When will it be over? When will things go back to normal? Is this a new normal? There are so many thoughts racing in our heads. The unemployment rate has increased and surpassed the Great Depression unemployment rate in the 1930s. The pandemic continues to affect even the essential employees. Travel nurses' contracts are increasing. Essential surgeries have decreased, which have caused a major hit in the hospital's revenue. I know I am not the only person that absolutely hate wearing a mask for the 12-hour shift, but don't dare to take off my mask when I am at work. How do we recover? What are you doing to help yourself overcome the anxiety? The best answer I can come up with to this question is "WE MUST PERSEVERE!"


What does it mean ? Keep pushing through difficult times. I’ve done this more times than I can count. I’ve been through so much in the world of nursing! I’ve been through the fire figuratively and I’m believing I’ll come out as pure gold. I had to fight my way through disappointment to remember my biggest heart desire. What is that you may ask? Is to not only to aid in helping the sick but also to create a safe place for healthcare providers to thrive ( share their fears, successes, and doubts). Let’s work through it together. As you may have picked up, I have not put my thought in writing in a while. I needed time to work through things and make my way through. No worries, I’ll share my journey piece by piece in the next couple of months. I had to come out of hiding to remind myself as well as you to persevere through everything. The nursing profession needs you. Without you it will have a setback.

Don’t give up

Always remember you only have to live one day at a time. There are so many options in nursing. There are countless opportunities to pursue. Therefore, you have the opportunity to explore and find your place. I want to inspire you with a short story about a very special nursing colleague and friend. She is an amazing nurse. She knew Medical-Surgical nursing was not her calling. In fact, the stress of the environment almost caused her to quit. Instead, she preserved and stumbled on the opportunity to become a mother-baby nurse. Yes, new can be scary. However, a different world could be just what the doctor ordered to feel less anxious and happier about your career choice.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Have a great day.

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