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Holding Steady: How to achieve Work/Life Balance in 3 easy Steps!

Healthcare workers have a difficult time shutting out the noise. We leave work exhausted with no more energy left to give. After our energy is depleted, we still have our family, friends, or personal obligation. Life still goes on! So how do we achieve balance?

Work! Work! Work!

I was talking to my little cousin one day, and he expressed to me that some adults care more about work then they do their family. He is just a kid and has already identified that most adults do not have balance in their life. We have made work such a priority that we have goals, plans, and achievements that we hold near our hearts, and it all revolves around work. As healthcare professionals, we go home and think about all the things we forgot to do. Oh no, I forgot to tell the oncoming nurse about Room 425 wound. Sometimes we remember the promises we failed to deliver to our patients. It is so busy during this shift; So, at the end of the shift, we remember all the forgotten things. It can be very bothersome. In other words, healthcare professionals make work their life, which is very unhealthy.

It's Just Life

When we are finally off, what do we do on our off days? You can catch some nurses picking up extra shifts, which is more time away from your family. In the upcoming weeks, we will talk about why nurses work so much. Some healthcare professionals hold the belief that extra money for my family is equivalent to a happier life. The kids can have this or my significant other can have that. The truth is your family wouldn't trade time with you for more money.

Now that we have talked about work and life let's talk about balance. How do you define balance?

Step 1: Define Balance

The dictionary defines balance as "a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions." At this moment, you have to determine what elements you are trying to balance. In this case, we are discussing work and life. What does the balance between working and your personal life look like? Do you need more time with your family? Do you need a little extra time for yourself? I encourage you to make a list of things you like or need to do (include your family and friends)? Once you have created a list, you will need to plan to complete your list. Visit this list daily as a reminder.

Step 2: Unplug

Quarantine has the world running through technology. Have you seen the #dontrushchallenge at the white house? Even our political officials are working from home and participating in overloading the internet. Technology can make us or break us. I caught myself watching a movie with my family and texting my friends. Sometimes we split our attention and don't get to enjoy those moments that we should cherish. Are you attached to your phone? What percentage of screen time do you have? Make it your goal to change the habit and enjoy nature or spend time with your family (who should have your undivided attention).

Step 3: Exercise and Meditate

We always feel better when we are active. There was a moment in my life where I exercised just about every day. During this time, I had more energy, and I felt better about myself. When I got a job that demanded over 60 hours a week, I lost myself in my work and failed to spend time enhancing myself as an individual. I looked stressed. I felt stressed. I was exhausted. Exercise and medication made a huge difference in my life. It gave me the energy to spend time with my friends and family. Additionally, exercise is a stress reducer. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good. In this case, exercise helps you be in a better mood.

Now that we discussed the start of achieving work/life balance grade yourself. If you have concurred a step, then give yourself 1 point. I am currently a 1.5/3 because I still have a hard time unplugging and still working on being more active, but what better time to start than today.

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