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There are SOME Hard Days in Nursing!

Over a year ago, I read an article that discussed quitting nursing. It was devastating to read because the nurse was so disappointed by the nursing profession and the way nurses were treated. After reading this article, I felt it was necessary to create support to prevent more from leaving the profession. This particular nurse did not leave the profession because of hard work or that she did not like the career she had chosen. Instead, she left because of the hurt and pain that fellow nurses and doctor inflicted upon her. I will discuss this article a little more next week. However, this week we are going to talk about those hard days in nursing.

I don’t like my job. What should I do?

Nursing is hard. Sometimes we find it difficult to get out of bed and drag our feet to work. I know I am not the only one that feels like this. Wait! Let me back up. I love nursing. You can tell in the way I care for my patients. The little old ladies, the little old men, the young adults, and the occasional teens are all my babies. I treat them like they’re my family. To me…. they are family and they need me more now than they ever have. Guess what? I am going to be there for each patient front and center. However, let's be realistic. There are many hard days. Although I will care for you with every ounce of energy that I possess.

SOMETIMES I JUST DON’T LIKE MY JOB. Why? It all about teamwork in nursing. It all about having the right attitude and having a support system. This Job is hard and no I cannot do it alone. I remember my first hospital as a nurse I was the youngest, freshest individual in nursing. Those nurses knew it and tried to eat me alive. It was a small hospital in Arkansas that did not have certified nurse assistants and you could float throughout the whole hospital with modified assignments. There were some days that I use to be the only nurse with four total patients while everyone else had two or one. I would somehow do all the admission. One time when I was training this one lady was just out to rip me to pieces. It was difficult. I had to make a difficult decision either move on to another job and continue to love what I do or stay at a job I dislike because of the abuse from fellow nurses and eventually dislike nursing and leave the profession…. Hmmmm…. Decisions…. Decisions….. Guess which one I did? Yes, you are correct. I left my job and moved back to Texas.

Now, I have changed jobs frequently in my nursing career. During each job interview, one asks about these changes and why. My response:

In nursing, I discovered that change is inevitable. A new procedure or a new way of caring for the vulnerable population is just around the corner. I have learned to adjust. I want to know the latest way of doing things, so I research in my free time. I am looking for a place to grow as a nurse and possibly climb the ladder of success within the nursing facility. My longest job was three years. I only left because of the company’s resistance in allowing me to transfer to another unit.

I realize that I am single with no kids. So, it is a lot easier for me to drop it all and move on. However, my married ladies and gentlemen with kids. I encourage you to make plans to make your transition happen even if it takes another six months you have something to look forward to. This week I want you to take the time to write down your dream job. Share with the group your goals in nursing. Are you dreaming of a higher position in the nursing world? If so, what is it? Have any questions please submit to the forum. I look forward to the discussion this week.

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