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Virus Virus Go AWAY

Be Honest. Am I the only one thinking that they are tired of this virus? I’m sure I am not the only one ready for this to pass. Today, I wanted to talk about where we stand as healthcare professions when it comes to this virus. During my discussions about the coronavirus, many questions have been asked. The following is some of the questions I have received:

1. What is the implication of COVID-19 on healthcare?

2. As a healthcare worker, what should my focus be?

3. If I am scared to work during this time is healthcare really the correct career choice for me?

4. How do I protect my family?

Those are only a few questions I have received. My answer is consistent with remaining educated on the virus and how to protect yourself and decrease your chances of being infected. Hand hygiene has been the focus and will continue to be the first line of defense. Reframing from touching your face with your hands will be the second line of defense. Stay hydrated and mind ya business ( 6 feet away or stay at home). One of the implications of the Coronavirus is the economic/ financial impact of the virus. Businesses are shutting down and people's jobs are on hold until there is a decrease in those exposed to the coronavirus. On the other hand, healthcare professionals are the front-line and have the fear of being exposed and transferring to their families. This fact has caused many healthcare workers to question if the medical field is the right choice.

Please don’t turn your back on nursing. It is essential for all medical professionals to come together and address concerns. What are your concerns? Let’s work through it together. I will create a forum to discuss what we are all thinking. In order to comment in the forum, you will need to become a member. In the meantime, remember Florence Nightingale.

Remember Florence Nightingale:

Nightingale's philosophy has become the foundation of nursing. Nightingale worked in unsanitary conditions, which exposed her numerous infections. However, Nightingale's passion for nursing shined through as she continued to care for her patients. A part of the Nightingale pledge states, “With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and as a 'missioner of health' I will dedicate myself to devoted service to human welfare.”

You can do this (RN, LVN, CNA, NP, and nursing students). Hang in there. This to shall pass.

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